Why this error 'This request has no response data available'

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Why am I seeing 'this request has no response data available' in Chrome Developer Tools in the 'Network' 'Response' tab.

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This request has no response data available.

This is often seen when we check the response in the network panel, This happens for several reasons.

Image file:

This error mostly occurs when the path is not correct while loading the image file or the image does not exist at the destination or the extension name of the image file is mismatched

PHP server file:

The file you checked is other than the image file and this error occurs, there are various reasons

Error in the file:

There may be some error in the file in which you are sending the response, due to which the response is not coming out from this file.


1. You should check this thoroughly by revising the error file.

2. Used a die; in a file and forgot to remove it, then the file will not respond, Remove die; from your file.

3. When you sent the action through .ajax and there is an error in the file given in the url, you will not get the response, this often happens due to action name miss match.

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