How to update data in database table using phpmyadmin?

1 Answer
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I have a table named my_tbl in phpmyadmin, I want to update all values of a column named my_col inside this table at once.

My SQL query is:
UPDATE `my_tbl` SET `my_col` = 'B' WHERE `my_tbl`.`id` = *;

Column named my_col has value 'A', I want to replace these values with 'B'

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If you want to update only those values of the column where 'a' is the value,

run query:

UPDATE `my_tbl` SET `my_col` = 'B' WHERE `my_col` = 'A'

and if you want to update the entire value of the column then,

run query:

UPDATE `my_tbl` SET `my_col` = 'B'

And if you want to update the value of Particular ID then run this query

UPDATE `my_tbl` SET `my_col` = 'B' WHERE `id` = 3

If you have any other issue related to this question and answer then comment here.

have a nice day

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